INDems will provide recaps on how Democrats have focused on the economic issues most important to Hoosiers between now and Election Day
The INGOP said “NO” to these historic investments despite campaigning on global inflation and high cost of goods
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Democratic Party, the organization that advocates for the future of Indiana and its families, today celebrated the brighter economic future the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (The Jobs Act) is delivering for Hoosiers. Whether it is allocating $7 billion for new roads and bridges (new jobs) or $100 million for broadband expansion (more jobs), better days are on the horizon for Hoosiers because Democrats delivered when it mattered most.
The Jobs Act is delivering a once-in-a-generation opportunity to bring transformational infrastructure investments to Indiana and Hoosier families — no matter where they live. It’s fully paid for and will reduce the deficit in the long run.
It’s worth remembering and repeating: every single Indiana Republican opposed The Jobs Act – especially U.S. Senator Todd Young.
Todd Young flip-flopped on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (The Jobs Act) – despite calling it a “historic investment”. Then, Young tried to take credit for the brighter future the infrastructure law was creating for the Hoosier State. The Indiana Republican Party put its extremist agenda before the future of this state.
Here’s a look what The Jobs Act means for the Hoosier State:
ONE: About $7 billion will be delivered to Indiana to assist with repairs to roads and bridges in all 92 counties
TWO: Indiana will be provided about $680 million to improve public transportation systems in cities across the state
THREE: The state will receive about $100 million for broadband internet expansion. This investment is in addition to the $250 million provided by the American Rescue Plan
FOUR: Indiana will receive about $751 million to revitalize the state’s water infrastructure system, delivering safe and clean drinking water to all Hoosiers no matter the Zip code
FIVE: Indiana will receive more than $100 million to help expand Governor Holcomb’s existing Electric Vehicle (EV) charging network.
SIX: About $20 million will be provided to Indiana to help address extreme weather events that could happen in the state due to climate change