INDIANAPOLIS – As coronavirus cases continue to rise, Hoosiers are still grappling with the consequences of Donald Trump’s failed, chaotic pandemic response. Here’s what you need to know ahead of Mike Pence’s photo op today:
“Whatever he says today, Mike Pence can’t spin the devastating reality facing Hoosiers across the state — the Trump administration’s chaotic, erratic response has failed us at every level,” said Indiana Democratic Party Executive Director Lauren Ganapini. “Hoosiers don’t need a photo op — we need tests, we need protective equipment, and we need leadership. On every count, this administration has been totally ineffective in responding to this crisis, and Hoosiers are paying the price.”
Promise: In January, Trump claimed the coronavirus was “totally under control” and later suggested that the outbreak would be limited to 15 U.S. cases.
- Reality: Trump spent weeks ignoring his own advisors and downplaying the crisis. The United States now leads the world with more than one million cases and tens of thousands of deaths, including nearly 1,000 Hoosiers.
Promise: On March 6, Trump told reporters, “Anybody that wants a test can get a test.” The White House later committed to delivering 27 million tests by the end of March.
- Reality: The White House and the Holcomb administration are at odds over Indiana’s testing capacity. The Trump administration claims Indiana is last in the Midwest, Holcomb claims the administration is relying on bad data.
- Reality: While Indiana’s health commissioner announced a goal of processing 6,300 tests per day, testing shortages have kept the state averaging less than half the target daily test goal.
- Reality: Trump blew past his own March deadline, delivering less than 4% of the tests he promised.
- Reality: Trump’s testing “strategy” would provide tests for just 2% of Hoosiers.
Promise: Trump promised to marshal “the full power of the federal government and the private sector to protect the American people.”
- Reality: Hoosiers continue to face PPE shortages, but the Trump administration has cut off shipments of equipment to Indiana.
- Reality: While experts warned of a coming pandemic, the Trump administration shipped nearly 18 tons of personal protective equipment (PPE) to China.