Fox59/CBS4: County-by-county guide on mask mandates
The Elkhart Truth: Health officer criticizes governor, future of local restrictions in limbo
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Democratic Party, the organization that advocates for the future of Indiana and its families, today issued a warning to Hoosiers about why it’s imperative for Governor Eric Holcomb to keep Indiana’s mask mandate: an impending fourth wave of the coronavirus. Indiana was given an advantage through the American Rescue Plan with its investment in vaccine distribution and funding for measures like adequate personal protective equipment (ppe), but should Holcomb attempt to force the state out of the COVID-19 pandemic, all due to his politics, more Hoosiers will get sick and more people could die.
The Indiana Democratic Party has repeatedly called for Governor Holcomb to put common-sense, science, and data ahead of partisanship with COVID-19, but it appears the governor will not listen. Further, Democrats have often asked for responsible and thoughtful solutions to this problem when the Indiana Republican Party seems to care more about fighting over the governor’s emergency powers rather than protecting Hoosier families.
If Governor Holcomb goes through with ending Indiana’s mask mandate and if these warning signs do in fact lead to another wave of COVID-19, the INGOP will permanently solidify why Hoosiers should not trust them to look after the health or future of Indiana families.

Tweet by Micah Pollak, Associated Professor of Economics at IU Northwest