Scapegoats GOP rank-and-file for inaction on overwhelmingly popular reforms
INDIANAPOLIS – Speaker Brian Bosma tossed members of his Republican caucus squarely under the bus at a legislative town hall meeting last Friday, blaming them for inaction on common sense gun reform. Bosma, arguably the state’s most powerful lawmaker, claimed rank-and-file members were preventing progress on common sense gun reform like expanded background checks – something more than 90 percent of Hoosiers support.
AUDIO <1:32> Bosma blames GOP for lack of progress on common sense gun reform
At 00:40 | “The majority of legislators would loosen access [to guns] rather than restrict it…”
At 00:49 | I don’t want to say it’s an achievement, but it’s been hard work to maintain the access restrictions that we have now.”
At: 01:12 | “I’m kind of proud we’ve been able to maintain the status quo in all honesty and that’s been over the opinion of probably a majority of legislators.”
Indiana Democratic Party Chairman John Zody questioned Bosma’s math on support for common sense reforms.
“After two school shootings in Indiana, the status quo isn’t good enough,” said Zody. “I find it hard to believe there isn’t a bipartisan majority of lawmakers ready to find a compromise on common sense gun reform. It’s a shame the Speaker is using a small, vocal portion of his caucus to sink progress.”