IN Dems release public service announcement on risk factors
INDIANAPOLIS – In what’s quickly becoming a full-fledged epidemic, Debate Dodge Fever has spread to a number of Indiana Republicans. The condition prevents members of the Indiana Republican Party from holding debates, appearing with their opponents at candidate forums or even responding to challenges.
Stage III Debate Dodge Fever (refusing to debate)
Running list of the afflicted
CD4 – State Rep. Jim Baird
CD6 – Greg Pence
CD8 – Rep. Larry Bucshon
CD9 – Rep. Trey Hollingsworth
SD49 – Sen. Jim Tomes
SD17 – Sen. Andy Zay
Stage II Debate Dodge Fever (Skipping candidate forums or events when invited or challenger attends)
Running list of the afflicted
SD 38 – Jon Ford
HD46 – Rep. Bob Heaton
HD60 – Rep. Peggy Mayfield
HD62 – Rep. Jeff Ellington
HD65 – Rep. Chris May
HD75 – Rep. Ron Bacon
HD76 – Rep. Wendy McNamara
Stage I Debate Dodge Fever (Unresponsive to debate challenge issued or perpetually “working out details or schedules”)
Running list of the afflicted
HD26 – Rep. Sally Siegrist
HD81 – Rep. Martin Carbaugh
HD89 – Rep. Cindy Kirchhofer
SD22 – Ron Alting
Secretary of State Connie Lawson
Indiana Democratic Party Chairman John Zody believed the condition would continue to spread among Indiana Republicans. It’s why Indiana Democrats released a public service announcement on risk factors and symptoms of the flare-up.
“It’s just the beginning. I’m positive more Indiana Republicans will come down with Debate Dodge Fever,” said Zody. “It’s about showing up to work and Republicans seem to think they aren’t accountable to Hoosier taxpayers. Until they believe they are, they’ll do everything they can to hide from Hoosier voters.”