INDIANAPOLIS — The latest state campaign finance reports are out, and one shows that Indiana’s top election official and campaign finance administrator Secretary of State Diego Morales continues to spend his campaign dollars in questionable, and perhaps unethical ways.
“Six months in, it’s clear as day that Hoosiers can’t trust Diego Morales to oversee elections, act ethically, or treat campaign finance rules with the respect expected from anyone seeking public office, yet alone the head of the state’s elections,” said Indiana Democratic Party Chair Mike Schmuhl. “Hoosiers deserve elected officials that tell the truth, which is clearly above Diego Morales.”
During the 2022 campaign, Morales used his campaign account to buy a $43,000 Toyota RAV4. At the time, he claimed it was for the use of his campaign. Morales at the time told the Indianapolis Star that he planned to sell the car after the election.
Indianapolis Star 7.19.22: “Vaughn added that it “looks like this vehicle could turn into a personal vehicle,” but according to Morales’ campaign, he plans to sell the car after the election, reverting those funds back to the campaign fund.”
Since taking office, however, Diego continues to use the car, and expense gas, car insurance, and regular maintenance to his campaign account, despite not being on the ballot for another three years.
Morales’ purchases of gas alone totaled $132 from four different Indianapolis Speedway stations. Maintenance, registration, parking and tolls totaled $515. This includes a $451.05 charge by the Indiana BMV for “vehicle registration renewal” on February 2.
Indiana’s elections administrator continued to use the car he told voters he would sell after the election. Other oddities on his report show purchases of $1,073.48 at IKEA and $40 at the US Senate gift shop for “momentos”.
After taking office, Morales hired his own brother-in-law to the Secretary of State’s office and took an impromptu trip to Hungary to speak at a conservative conference less than week after the May primary — the first elections he was tasked with overseeing.