Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal: A Better Future Created for Indiana, Hoosier Families
Every single Indiana Republican voted “NO” on broadband, roads, bridges, clean water – calling it “socialism”
NWI Times: Most Hoosiers will see tax cut if Biden’s jobs, families plans enacted, analysis finds
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Democratic Party, the organization that advocates for the future of Indiana and its families, today celebrated the endorsements rolling in for President Joe Biden and Democrats’ Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal (BID). Bipartisan groups like the National Governors Association (chaired by a Republican governor) and the Indiana Chamber of Commerce described the BID’s transformational investments in broadband, roads, bridges, and clean water as a “benefit” for Hoosier businesses and a law that “works for the American people”. Both organizations are right because not only will the BID create a better future for all of Indiana’s 92 counties, but it won’t add a penny to the national debt. And the best part: Hoosier families will see a tax cut under the new infrastructure law.
The BID will build a better tomorrow for Indiana and its families, and the entire Indiana Republican Party said “NO” to this new law. In fact, elected officials like Todd Young, Jackie Walorski, and Larry Bucshon have all referred to the internet, clean water, and better roads “social spending” or “socialism” despite campaigning on the very issues themselves. The INGOP’s willingness to politicize issues like clean water make it clear they value misinformation and extreme partisanship than delivering a better tomorrow for the Hoosier State.
In contrast, Indiana Democrats are visiting small towns across the state to tout how the American Rescue Plan, Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, and overall Build Back Better agenda is creating a better future for rural Hoosiers. The Democrats’ “Small Town, Indiana” tour has crisscrossed Indiana and will include a stop in Connersville tomorrow. Hoosiers wanted action, and Democrats delivered for them when it mattered most.
Fox59: Indiana Chamber of Commerce says infrastructure bill will benefit Hoosier businesses
These types of investments are something that Indiana Chamber of Commerce president Kevin Brinegar says businesses in the Hoosier state rely on.
“It’s the physical infrastructure bill that we’ve been advocating for a long long time,” Brinegar said. “Congress has not passed a major infrastructure bill or done anything on highway funding for a long time.” […]
Brinegar said the other important piece of this bill is that it will create local construction jobs needed to complete these infrastructure projects.
NWI Times: “The bipartisan National Governors Association likewise thanked members of Congress who supported the effort to fund the core infrastructure needs of America’s states and territories.
‘Governors commend Congress for setting aside partisan differences to pass a bill that works for the American people,’ said Republican Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, NGA chairman. “States stand ready to immediately put these funds to good use to fix and improve our nation’s infrastructure.’”