Holcomb on the Hoosier economy: “But you have to take into consideration – wage growth down, real labor participation rate down. People have quit looking.”
INDIANAPOLIS – Mike Pence has said countless times that the Hoosier economy is “at its peak”. Well, his Republican colleague Eric Holcomb doesn’t buy it. During Saturday’s Republican Senate debate in Kokomo, Holcomb confirmed what everyday Hoosiers already know – incomes are lower and Hoosiers have given up their job search.
Beginning at mark (1:00), Eric Holcomb said this: “You can look at whatever number you want to look at. You can look at five-percent. But you have to take into consideration – wage growth down, real labor participation rate down. People have quit looking. People have gone from being worried about a job to being mad about a job.”
“Eric Holcomb’s words provide further proof that Mike Pence’s idea to provide a ‘snapshot’ of the state’s economy is failing the state. The fact is, incomes for Hoosiers have declined, and it’s because Mike Pence believes the quantity of jobs instead of quality of jobs would help him in an election year,”said Drew Anderson, communications director. “However, Hoosiers are simply fed up with his out of touch ideology and are ready for a leader who will help improve their overall well-being and help lead Indiana into the future. That person is John Gregg.”
Holcomb’s statement comes after a news report showed Hoosiers continue to fall behind the rest of the nation. From Indiana ranking 39th in per capita income to Hoosiers making only 86 cents to every one American dollar earned, the state has sadly earned its poor quality of life (46th) and workforce rankings (42nd). But for Mike Pence, he’d rather tout an unemployment rate in an election year than admit to not bringing economic security to everyday Hoosiers.