INDIANAPOLIS – Eric Holcomb and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker both support Donald Trump – even as reports brought to light allegations that Trump made unwanted advancements on numerous different women. Today’s news also follows another report where Donald Trump condoned sexual assault on women.
And where did Eric Holcomb stand? Governor Scott Walker? They both remained firm with their support for Donald Trump for president.
“Let it be known that Eric Holcomb this week reaffirmed his support for Donald Trump – even after tapes showed Trump condoning sexual assault on women, and even after allegations continue to come out in news reports,” said John Zody, Chairman. “Any sort of renouncement now is nothing but a political calculation in an effort to save Eric Holcomb’s own political careers. Hoosiers have already seen he has chosen his party over the well-being of human beings.”
Eric Holcomb
Holcomb “Always Intended to Support Trump.” “Republican Lt. Gov. Eric Holcomb told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he has always intended to support the GOP presidential ticket, but that he’ll now evaluate how he’ll vote over the coming weeks. Holcomb says Pence hasn’t pressured him to support Trump following the release Friday of Trump’s crude comments about groping women.” [Associated Press, 10/12/16]
Holcomb Pledged To Support Any Of The Republican Nominees, Including Trump. In a Fox 59 interview, Holcomb said, “Whoever wins the Republican primary is my favorite [Question: Even if it’s Trump?] Whoever wins the primary is going to be my favorite and who I am going to rally around. And this was the approach when our country was being founded, by the way, chants of Join or Die.” [Fox 59, 8/19/15]
Holcomb Downplayed Trump’s Racist, Bigoted, And Sexist Rhetoric As An “Overreaction” Considering “We Use To Have Duels To Settle Arguments.” According to the Bluffton News-Banner, “For example, a Venezuelan journalist, who charged Trump with embracing racism, bigotry and sexism, questioned Holcomb on the Republican Party’s ability to coalesce around Trump in the event of his potential nomination. ‘Do you think the Republican Party can work with a person that, at least, is saying this?’ he asked. ‘The thing is not the race right now; the thing is the future of the party.’ In response, Holcomb cited his extensive political experience, leading that into an explanation about a perceived overreaction to Trump’s rhetoric and controversial candidacy. ‘There have been a lot of different personalities come and go, and up and down, and I’ve heard this question about lots of different (candidates), Republican and Democrat to be fair,’ replied the lieutenant governor. ‘We’ve dealt with this question since our beginnings, our very beginnings. ‘Some people think it’s kind of nasty now, but in America we use to have duels to settle arguments. Andrew Jackson’s campaign in the beginning was very nasty here in America, and people have always said, ‘Will you be able to endure?’ you know, writing our obituary. And then come election, Republicans gain seats in the House.’ Holcomb later said he expects Trump to adjust his tone as the election proceeds.” [Bluffton News-Banner, 5/2/16]
Scott Walker
In July 2016, Scott Walker Said He was “Absolutely” Endorsing Donald Trump for President. According to Politico, “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker made it unequivocally clear ahead of his speech to the Republican National Convention Wednesday that he is fully endorsing Donald Trump for president. ‘Absolutely,’ Walker told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren when asked if he is endorsing Trump.” [Politico, 7/20/16]
In July 2016, Scott Walker Tweeted, “Last August, I Said I’d Support the GOP Nominee. It’s Now Clear who the RNC Delegates will Vote to Nomine. And He is Better than She is.” In a July 6, 2016 tweet, Scott Walker said, “Last August, I said I’d support the GOP nominee. It’s now clear who the RNC delegates will vote to nominate. And he is better than she is.” [Twitter, @ScottWalker, 7/6/16]
In June 2016, Gov. Scott Walker Said He Would Support Trump, Even Though He Wasn’t His “First Choice.” According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Walker, a onetime presidential candidates, said he has made it clear since the Aug. 6 Republican presidential debate in Cleveland that he would support his party’s nominee, no matter who it is. That includes Trump. ‘I said it then, and I’ll repeat it now, that I felt like any of the people on that stage were better than Hillary Clinton,’ Walker said. ‘He wasn’t my first choice. He wasn’t my choice in Wisconsin. There are issues, not the least of which lately with his statements about the judge he commented on, which I just fundamentally disagree with him on, so just saying that I’ll support him over Hillary Clinton doesn’t mean I embrace all the things that he says or all the ways he says it.’” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/6/16]
In April 2016, Gov. Scott Walker Said, “I will Support the Republican Running Against Hillary Clinton in the Fall—Whoever that is.” According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “It took a while for Gov. Scott Walker to commit, but he finally did on Wednesday. Walker said he would support real estate mogul Donald Trump if he’s the GOP presidential nominee—though it’s clear the governor’s still hoping that doesn’t happen. Trump scored a sweeping victory in Tuesday’s New York primary. ‘I will support the Republican running against (Democratic front-runner) Hillary Clinton in the fall—whoever that is,’ Walker said at a news conference in Wauwatosa on Wednesday morning.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4/20/16]
In February 2016, Gov. Scott Walker Said He Signed a Pledge that He Wouldn’t Support Anyone Other than the GOP Nominee, “And I’m a Man of My Word.” According to the Associated Press, “Republican Gov. Scott Walker, who ended his own bid for the nomination last fall, said he signed a pledge that he wouldn’t support anyone other than the GOP nominee ‘and I’m a person of my word.’” [Associated Press, 2/29/16]