Chairman Zody: “This session can be characterized by missed opportunities”
INDIANAPOLIS – After Mike Pence and Statehouse Republicans failed Hoosiers during the 2016 General Assembly Session, Democrats took to the road last week to share the many times Pence left the state falling behind the rest of the nation.
From continuing to put Indiana’s welcoming reputation in jeopardy to being late to the game on fixing the state’s crumbling infrastructure, Mike Pence’s failed leadership has caused Hoosiers to consistently fall short and not reach their full potential.
Terre Haute Tribune-Star: “Democrats assail Pence’s performance during legislature”
WTWO: “The Democratic Party says the bills discussed are either too late or simply not enough. ‘This session can be characterized by missed opportunities and really by failed leadership on Governor Pence,’ said Indiana Democratic Party Chairman, John Zody.”
WLFI: Democratic Party Chairman John Zody said from civil rights to education to road funding, the Indiana General Assembly did not make enough progress this session.
Coverage also seen in WEVV.