NWI Times: When will NWI teachers receive a COVID-19 vaccine? Educators, administrators hope sooner rather than later
WHAS: ’It seems like we aren’t being valued’ Indiana teachers call on Holcomb to allow vaccinations now
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Democratic Party, the organization that advocates for the future of Indiana and its families, today emphasized the continued coverage surrounding Governor Eric Holcomb’s decision to dismiss Indiana’s teachers and their ask to be given access to a COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, teachers once more are questioning whether or not they are “valued” by the Governor, because he’s continued a pattern of disrespecting their line of work — including the broken promise to deliver teachers a pay raise.
Eric Holcomb’s poor record on education will be a reason why Hoosiers will lose trust in the Indiana Republican Party, because he’s failed to secure a bright future for the state’s education system. Here’s more evidence on the Governor’s refusal to deliver vaccine access for teachers:
NWI Times: When will NWI teachers receive a COVID-19 vaccine? Educators, administrators hope sooner rather than later
“Donna Spivak has been a teacher for 37 years, and in a school year guided by the coronavirus pandemic, the longtime educator said she feels invisible.
Spivak, who is 58, told The Times she recently secured an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, which she received after speaking to someone at the health department after explaining she is a teacher, and her husband is an elderly cancer survivor.” […]
Spivak later offered a message shared to her by a fellow educator: ‘It’s terrible that we are essential enough to have to get CPR training, active shooting training and mental health training to help kids, but not essential enough for the vaccine.’” […]
“’Other states are vaccinating their teachers, and why not us? Our teachers are worthy, too. Our teachers need protection, too,’ Spivak said.”
WHAS: ’It seems like we aren’t being valued’ | Indiana teachers call on Holcomb to allow vaccinations now
“While Gov. Andy Beshear and leaders in Ohio, Michigan and Illinois have prioritized getting educators vaccinated, Gov. Eric Holcomb is taking a different approach.” […]
“Classes in the New Albany Floyd County district have been disrupted, like Whitney Woods’s at Greenville Elementary.
“We’ve had students that have had to quarantine because they have been close contacts with students or other people in the building,” Woods said.
Woods has also had to teach from home, because she was in contact with someone at school who tested positive.
While she’s glad educators in other states are getting their vaccines, Woods has been disheartened to see teachers in Louisville who have been teaching completely remotely get vaccinated before those in Indiana.
‘It seems like we aren’t being valued for what we’re doing, because we’ve been fully in person since August,’ Woods said.”