Washington Post: “The remarkable lameness of Mike Pence’s Ted Cruz endorsement”
INDIANAPOLIS – Last Friday was a “swing and a miss” for Mike Pence when he endorsed Ted Cruz for President of the United States. While Pence and Cruz have records that make them two out-of-touch peas in a pod, this endorsement was another classic example of the governor running to the mic on national issues rather than fighting for the most important issues facing Indiana, including bridging the wage gap for Hoosier workers.
But don’t take our word for it. Look no further than the coverage as Pence’s announcement was panned by local and national media.
Washington Post: “The remarkable lameness of Mike Pence’s Ted Cruz endorsement”
And this: “Pence’s actual “endorsement” was more like the world’s most obvious attempt to have it both ways.”
And this: “If you look up “lukewarm endorsement” in the political dictionary, what Pence did on Friday is right there staring back at you.”
And this: “This is the lamest of all possible outcomes for Pence. If you are going to endorse someone, JUST DO IT.”
And finally: “This is what happens when politicians try to act too political. Swing and a miss for Pence.”
Washington Post: “[MikePence] did so somewhat half-heartedly.”
BuzzFeed News: “Mike Pence’s Ted Cruz Endorsement Was One Of The Most Tepid Cruz Endorsements Yet”
Politico: “Indiana Gov. Pence offers tepid endorsement of Cruz”
U.S. News & World Report: “Cruz Gets Endorsement – Sort of – from Indiana’s Pence”
Talking Points Memo: “Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Gives Lukewarm Endorsement To Ted Cruz”
The Atlantic: “Mike Pence on Ted Cruz: I Like Him, But…”
Texas Tribune: “Pence’s support was less than full-throated…”
Houston Chronicle: “…Pence’s endorsement today was, well, lukewarm.”
Huffington Post: “Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) on Friday gave a tepid endorsement to Sen. Ted Cruz’s bid for the presidency ahead of Tuesday’s primary in his state.”
Politicus USA: “Ted Cruz’s Bad Week Gets Worse As Mike Pence Gives Disastrous Half Hearted Endorsement”
IndyStar: “Pence’s Cruz endorsement called ‘tepid,’ ‘lukewarm’”
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette: “Gov. Mike Pence gave a tepid endorsement Friday to Sen. Ted Cruz as he tried to walk a tightrope with political implications for his own re-election bid.”
NPR: “But Pence seemed to go out of his way to praise Republican front-runner Donald Trump. He also stressed that his endorsement was not intended to sway the votes of Indiana Republicans.”
New York Times: “Yet in announcing his choice during a radio interview just after noon, Mr. Pence took tremendous care to praise Donald J. Trump…”
NBC News: “However, before announcing the endorsement, Pence went out of his way to praise Cruz’s chief rival.”