INDIANAPOLIS – Hoosiers want to know: Who is Eric Holcomb? Spoiler alert: he’s an out-of-touch ideologue who time and again has prioritized his out-of-touch ideological agenda ahead of the overall well-being of Indiana. This social agenda will only continue to hurt the middle class and undermine Hoosier values as we know it.
1) As candidate for State Representative, Eric Holcomb said he would vote “no” on protections for LGBT Hoosiers.
Campaign ad with Holcomb promising to vote “NO” on LGBT protections.
2) As candidate for State Representative, Holcomb said a vote for funding Indiana University was a vote for “bestiality” and “homosexuality.”
Eric Holcomb compares a vote for university funding to bestiality and homosexuality.
3) As Chairman of the Indiana Republican Party, Holcomb was responsible for allowing the party to add a same-sex marriage ban to its platform.
“There was no discussion Friday in an Indiana GOP committee meeting about language regarding same sex marriage as part of the party’s platform. That’s despite strong efforts from some delegates who want the party to formally address the issue. […]
As it stands, the 2014 Indiana Republican platform makes no mention of gay marriage.
In 2012, the 10-member resolutions committee accepted an amendment to the party platform. This year, amendments weren’t even allowed to be introduced.” [Indiana Public Media, 6.6.14]
4) As District Director for then-Rep. John Hostettler, Holcomb allowed Rep. Hostettler to publically drive the false narrative that abortion was a cause of breast cancer among women.
“On April 30, 2002, Hostettler met in Washington with eleven breast cancer survivors from Indiana who were seeking support for more research funding. In a subsequent campaign letter, Hostettler said Diane Gregory, who set up the meeting, “had expressed interest in reading more about [studies on the link between abortion and breast cancer] and had asked Congressman Hostettler to send her a copy of the reports.” Gregory denied that, saying “The materials on abortion (two brochures) came to me totally unsolicited. I must admit I was disturbed and surprised to receive the brochures.”
According to the women, at the meeting Hostettler “brought up the topic of abortion as the cause of breast cancer” and “made many (of the women) feel he was insinuating that they had had an abortion.” Hostettler’s campaign letter described the women as being on a smear campaign and said their accusations “never happened.” [Evansville Courier & Press, 9.16.2002]