INDIANAPOLIS – Rep. Braun failed to file his personal financial disclosure form (PFD) by the required May 15 deadline, and a week later, Hoosiers are still wondering why he believes the deadline doesn’t apply to him. WTHR on Tuesday was quick to question Rep. Braun’s refusal to file his PFD on time, as it could mean he’s trying to avoid public scrutiny over its details. Starting off the general election by being fined for failing to comply with disclosure deadlines would be troublesome for any candidate, but especially so for Rep. Braun, who relied almost exclusively on his personal fortune to fund his primary campaign.
From WTHR: Questions over Senate candidate’s financial disclosure filing
It is a requirement to file a personal financial disclosure (PFD) form by May 15. You can ask for a 30-day extension if needed, but therein lies the rub.
Once filed, that form is put on line by the U.S. Senate Committee on Ethics for public viewing, where it clearly states the May 15 deadline, however it does also mention candidates can ask for an extension.
The question is, did Mike Braun request an extension?
…Indiana’s State Democratic Party Chairman John Zody was more direct.
“His campaign can tell you whatever they want. The story is, the ethics committee puts a deadline there. Candidates should be following it. Mike Braun appears to be too busy in Washington D.C. visiting the swamp, doing all the things he said he would never do when he was a candidate in the primary election, so he should have filed it when he was in town,” John Zody stated.
Filing a late PFD carries a $200 fine.