INDIANAPOLIS — Today, the Indiana Democratic Party released the following statement from Spokesperson Sam Barloga on today’s executive orders by Governor Mike Braun.
“On the 52nd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, Governor Mike Braun has further restricted the medical privacy of Hoosier women and families by ordering the release of individual terminated pregnancy reports. These reports can give away identifying information about the women who received care under the very narrow exceptions to Indiana’s abortion ban, including those suffering life-threatening complications and victims of rape and incest. These are the same reports that Indiana’s public access counselor said should not be released because of the ability to ‘reverse engineer’ the identifying information of individual Hoosiers.
Hoosier women facing these unthinkable circumstances shouldn’t need to worry about the government leaking their personal medical information to political activists. Every Hoosier should be able to make decisions about their body and health with their doctor and without government interference.”