LAFAYETTE, Ind. – IDP Chairman John Zody, State Representative candidate Chris Campbell, and Joe Mackey, a Lafayette pediatric cancer activist called out Rep. Braun and Indiana Republicans at a press conference today for their repeated attempts to destroy coverage protections for Hoosiers with pre-existing conditions.
Rep. Braun vocally supports the ongoing lawsuit being brought by Curtis Hill, nearly 20 other Republican attorneys general, and the Department of Justice that would expressly dismantle coverage protections for the more than 1.1 million Hoosiers under 65 with a pre-existing condition. He’s also supported other major attempts in the last year to dismantle the nation’s health care system, including the 2017 House and Senate bills that would have raised health care costs for the average Hoosier by $1,000 every year, gutted HIP 2.0, and eradicated protections for pre-existing conditions.
Speakers held today’s press conference at the Tippecanoe Democratic Party headquarters to make clear that Hoosiers’ health care is on the ballot this November. If Republicans like Rep. Braun get their way, Hoosiers with pre-existing conditions could be denied health care coverage or charged unaffordable rates for insurance.
“Rep. Braun isn’t just complicit in Republican attempts to dismantle the health care system – if elected, he’d actively help Mitch McConnell strip protections from the 1.1 million Hoosiers under 65 with a pre-existing condition,” said IDP Chairman John Zody. “Hoosiers know their health care is on the ballot this November, and it’s imperative that we all work for the next 36 days so that Rep. Braun can’t dismantle the health care system and raise health care costs by more than $1,000 every year for the average Hoosier.”