Statehouse Republicans’ state-mandated vote on the veto could take away protections renters currently have against unruly landlords or property management companies
ICYMI: Gov. Holcomb vetoed Senate Bill 148 last year at the cusp of the COVID-19 pandemic
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Democratic Party, the organization that advocates for the future of Indiana and its families, today criticized the Indiana Republican Party for sneaking in a vote to override Governor Holcomb’s veto on Senate Bill 148 from the 2020 legislative session, which would’ve stripped renters from protections against unruly landlords and property management organizations across Indiana. The vote to override Holcomb’s veto could leave many families without a home during the height of winter and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Governor Holcomb criticized Senate Bill 148 as “overly broad” and said it was “not the right time” last year. An override would further crystallize the intraparty civil war happening within the Indiana Republican Party.
“Indiana Republicans’ choice to override renters’ protections during the pandemic is heartless and emphasizes how drunk on power the supermajority has become,” said Lauren Ganapini, executive director of the Indiana Democratic Party. “If successful, this override would evict families from their homes and would demolish the trust voters place in their elected officials to create better opportunities in the future. The INGOP have completely lost their morals.”
The Indiana Democratic Party understands this is a state-mandated vote on the veto, however, the Republicans’ choice to place the override vote on Monday’s agenda during the waning hours of Friday’s workday signals the INGOP’s willingness to shove through the controversial measure with little to no input from the public. INDems all weekend have called on Hoosiers to contact Rodric Bray, Indiana Senate President Pro Tem, and demand the Republicans put Hoosiers — and not political agendas — first.
Further, today’s expected vote is just another development in a series of skirmishes from the Indiana Republican Party. This infighting has now boiled over to a public civil war where Hoosier Republicans are being forced to choose between swearing allegiance to Trumpism — an extreme, un-American ideology — or supporting the vintage Republican Party of days past. However, even the foundations of the old-days INGOP — which include “local control” branding and deficit control — have been discarded by today’s Republican Party.