IDP, Hoosiers hold Todd Young accountable for his dangerous record as part of the Congressman Young “Harmful for Hoosiers” Tour
INDIANAPOLIS – On Wednesday morning, Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry stood with Hoosier seniors and workers to speak out forcefully against Congressman Todd Young’s harmful record that leaves Hoosier families falling behind.
Mayor Tom Henry, who condemned Congressman Young for putting his out-of-touch agenda ahead of Hoosiers, was joined by Rich LeTourneau, bargaining chair for the UAW Local 2209, and Liz Scott, a senior of Fort Wayne.
Speakers criticized Congressman Young for his plans that would risk seniors’ retirement savings, gut the Pell grant program, and protect tax breaks for companies who ship Hoosier jobs overseas, including UTEC in Huntington.
“The more Hoosiers learn about Congressman Young’s dangerous policies, the more they’ll see he’s terrible for Indiana’s seniors, workers, seniors and students,” said Mayor Tom Henry of Fort Wayne. “The policies he pushes, from increasing the costs of college to supporting tax breaks for companies who move our jobs overseas, prove he’s more interested in standing up for the corporate interests than fighting for Hoosier families. Evan Bayh is the only candidate in this race that Hoosiers can count on to put them first.”
Under Todd Young’s plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program, Hoosier seniors’ out of pocket costs could increase by an average of $6,400 per year. Congressman Young’s plan would also support raising prescription drug prices for Hoosier seniors by $120 million over a decade.
“More than one million Hoosiers like myself are counting on Medicare benefits we’ve worked hard for and paid into our entire lives. But we would likely face steep hikes to our health care costs under Congressman Young’s plan that would end Medicare as we know it,” said Liz Scott, a local retiree. “His plans could force people like me to choose between crucial medications and other essential bills. Todd Young doesn’t have our backs now and he won’t if he is elected to the U.S. Senate.”
Congressman Young was also criticized for his opposition to the auto rescue that saved 100,000 Hoosier jobs and for continuing his support for policies that protect corporations instead of Hoosier workers.
“Hoosier workers will never forget that Congressman Young called the auto industry rescue ‘a waste,’ even though it saved 100,000 Hoosier jobs,” said Rich LeTourneau, bargaining chairman for the UAW Local 2209. “He would’ve had our entire industry go ‘belly up,’ which would have devastated communities and families like my own. Todd Young has shown that he’s willing to put our livelihoods at risk, as long as it serves his own political calculations. He really is only looking out for his own personal and political ambitions, not for Hoosiers.”