What is Indy’s Economic Impact from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act?
INDIANAPOLIS – Mike Pence’s RFRA continues to have long-term effects on the Hoosier economy and Indiana’s overall “Hoosier Hospitality” reputation. Results of a Visit Indy survey released yesterday highlight the negative impact RFRA has had on the State of Indiana, including a staggering figure showing only 28-percent of those surveyed believed the statement “Indiana Welcomes All.”
Juxtapose yesterday’s news with Mike Pence’s words on January 3rd – when he said LGBT rights and the Hoosier economy were two “entirely separate” issues.
Judging by the coverage of Visit Indy’s poll, it seems Mike Pence is pretty delusional if he believes his long-term discrimination against LGBT Hoosiers won’t affect the state’s overall economic well-being.
Fox 59: “Poll shows perception problem continues for Indy, nearly a year after RFRA”
Inside Indiana Business: “… perception issues in the wake of RFRA have had a negative impact on the city, citing “at least a handful” of conventions or meetings that have left the city, citing the issue.”
Indianapolis Business Journal: “[Chris] Gahl admitted that he was somewhat surprised by the severity of the lingering effects of RFRA. ‘While we were anticipating a ripple effect even seven months after the crisis, we didn’t expect the recall to be as high which does give us cause for concern,’ Gahl said.”
Indy Star: “Poll: Damage from RFRA lingers…”
WTHR: “Twenty-nine percent agreed with the statement, ‘The State of Indiana and Indianapolis brands are the same’…”
WISH: “Poll shows RFRA still affects how people view Indy”
WIBC: “Survey says most still think of RFRA/LGBT issues when they think of Indy”