INDIANAPOLIS – Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the Trump Administration’s decision to support a Republican lawsuit that aims to gut protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions, a new poll shows.
A national poll out Sunday found that 66% of likely voters disapprove of the Trump Administration’s latest actions to dismantle the nation’s health care system by moving to undermine protections for Americans with pre-exiting conditions. The move came when the Administration announced it would no longer defend the health care system from a lawsuit, filed in February by Indiana and 19 other Republican-led states, that would allow insurance companies to deny coverage to Americans with pre-existing conditions.
The poll is a reminder that attacking the 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions may be the least popular step Republicans have taken in their long-running and already unpopular sabotage efforts. “Protections for pre-existing conditions remain a sacred cow for voters, who strongly disapprove of the recent Trump Administration decision to attack this popular provision of the health care law,” wrote Hart Research President Geoff Garin, who conducted the poll.
When asked two weeks ago about the lawsuit, Rep. Braun no-commented instead of standing up for Hoosiers with pre-existing conditions whose health care is now in jeopardy. Throughout the GOP’s health care sabotage, Rep. Braun has been a vocal supporter of their efforts, so it’s no surprise once again he’s standing with Mitch McConnell and his GOP allies against the health care of Hoosiers.
“Rep. Braun and his Republican allies continue to double down on their attempts to rip health care away from hundreds of millions of Americans with a pre-existing condition, even though it’s clear that the vast majority of Americans don’t approve,” said Michael Feldman, spokesman for the Indiana Democratic Party. “Republicans like Rep. Braun are so determined to dismantle the nation’s health care system that they’re willing to throw cancer survivors and pregnant women out in the cold. It’s no wonder their plan’s unpopularity is reaching startling highs.”