Rep. Braun hasn’t made a public appearance in Indiana almost two weeks
Rep. Braun has held more events in Washington than public events in Indiana since he became the GOP nominee – and he shows no interest in changing that fact, as he’s neither held nor announced another public event in the week and a half since it was first brought to light.
Rep. Braun was back in D.C. last Wednesday to hold what was his seventh Washington finance event that Hoosiers know of since his primary win, but he wouldn’t answer questions about why he’s spending so much time in Washington hobnobbing with the GOP elite. Having only held six public events in Indiana since May 8, Rep. Braun has held more events in Washington than with Hoosiers, and his social media shows that the last public campaign event he appeared at was on June 11.
Since being called out for holding more publicly available events in D.C. than Indiana, Rep. Braun has gotten no closer to holding more events in front of Hoosier voters than special interest donors. Indeed, besides his hypocritical new ad, Rep. Braun has held no events or given any interviews this week. His focus on fundraisers with the GOP elite instead of holding events in Indiana is a stark reversal from his repeated promises throughout the primary that he’d remain accountable to Hoosiers by not courting money from special interests donors.
“It wouldn’t be hard for Rep. Braun to at least get back to parity and have held as many events in front of Hoosiers as his D.C. backers—all he’d need is to hold one more event in front of the people he hopes to represent. But Rep. Braun doesn’t seem to care about his glaring hypocrisy of spending all his time in the swamp while campaigning on being an outsider,” said Michael Feldman, spokesman for the Indiana Democratic Party. “Rep. Braun may as well be a ghost to Hoosiers, but since the primary he’s been at the beck and call of the D.C. elites he once derided.”