IndyStar: What Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure bill could mean for Indiana
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Democratic Party, the organization that advocates for the future of Indiana and its families, today touted the expected impact President Joe Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIB) would bring to the State of Indiana. In a new report published by the IndyStar, the state is slated to receive about $7 billion for roads and bridge repairs, $751 million to address water infrastructure, $680 million to revitalize public transportation, and about $100 million broadband expansion (in addition to the $250 million provided via the American Rescue Plan). Democrats made a promise to solve today’s problems pressing Hoosier families, and we’ll deliver this better future very soon.
In contrast, Indiana Republicans continue to be the organization that’s willing to put extreme partisanship and domestic terrorists ahead of Hoosier families. U.S. Senators Mike Braun and Todd Young both voted “NO” on the BIB, and the Republicans in Indiana’s Congressional delegation expect to follow suit – despite campaigning on the issues of broadband and infrastructure with Hoosiers. The INGOP’s opposition to infrastructure follows their “NO” vote on the American Rescue Plan and its investments in public education, broadband, childcare, infrastructure, and the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Indiana Democrats will once again deliver a better future for Hoosier families, no matter the Zip code. Key points to the report are below:
IndyStar: What Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure bill could mean for Indiana if it passes
Here is generally what would be in store for Indiana in the Senate’s version of the bill, which is what is potentially being voted on next week and may still change:
Roads and bridges: $7 billion
[…] Based on federal formula funding, Indiana would get $6.6 billion injected into federal-aid highway apportionment programs, which include surface transportation and highway safety improvement grant programs. The state would also get about $400 million toward bridge replacement and repairs. There are two pots of competitive money Indiana can try for: a $12.5 billion bridge investment program for economically significant bridges, and nearly $16 billion for major projects that deliver substantial economic benefits to communities but are too complex for traditional funding programs.
Public transit: $680 million
[…] Indiana would receive $680 million to improve public transportation options throughout the state.
Electric vehicle infrastructure: $100 million
President Biden wants to invest $7.5 billion to build out the nation’s first national network of electric vehicle chargers. Formula funding would grant Indiana $100 million to support the expansion of a state network. In addition, Indiana can apply for a portion of $2.5 billion of competitive grant money available. […]
Broadband internet: $100 million
$100 million is the minimum allocation Indiana would receive to help improve broadband internet access across the state. The Federal Communications Commission’s definition of broadband is internet speeds of at least 25 mbps for downloading and 3 mbps for uploading. At least 10% of Indiana’s population does not have access to those speeds, according to the FCC’s broadband map.
Also under the bill, 24% of Hoosiers, or 1.6 million people, would be eligible for the Affordability Connectivity Benefit, a government subsidy of $30 a month toward broadband service for families whose income is 200% of the federal poverty line.
Water infrastructure: $751 million
[…] The $751 million Indiana expects to receive is not only to improve water infrastructure, but to ensure that all communities have access to clean, safe drinking water. A goal of this bill is to work toward eliminating the nation’s lead service lines and pipes.
Airports: $170 million
Indiana’s expected allotment of $170 million is anticipated to go toward infrastructure improvements at the state’s airports. Indiana has 117 public-use airports, according to the Indiana Department of Transportation.
Rail: New Amtrak lines?
In response to a major infusion of capital for rail outlined in the infrastructure bill — $66 billion — Amtrak announced a framework for its 15-year vision, which includes new daily routes through Indianapolis.
Amtrak’s $75 billion proposal includes four round trips a day to Chicago, Cincinnati and Louisville, and seeks to add service to 160 communities around the country.