WFYI: Republican Morales declines debates in Indiana Secretary of State race
Current: Republicans a no-show at League of Women Voters Hamilton County forum
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Democratic Party, the organization that advocates for the future of Indiana and its families, today called out Republican politicians for ghosting on Hoosier voters at debates and forums across the state. From Congressional candidates to state legislative races, Republicans have told voters they do not care about accountability or constituent ideas, and do not wish to answer the questions directly from the people who vote for them in office. This is all part of a shallow election-year strategy and follows their effort to take away the reproductive freedom of women across Indiana in special session.
Here are the Republicans who have dodged Hoosiers so far:
“Indiana Republicans have taken away a woman’s right to choose, put politics in our schools, made our communities less safe, and now they want to hide from their basic elected duties. If Republicans like Jerry Torr, Fred Glynn, Diego Morales, and many others don’t believe in public service and accountability, they should choose another line of work, said Mike Schmuhl, Chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party. “Thankfully, Indiana Democratic candidates are showing up across the state to listen to Hoosiers, discuss important policies, and solve problems. Elections are about choices and we would urge Hoosier voters to reject the Indiana GOP’s shallow extremism once and for all. A vote for Democrats this fall is a vote to restore the rights of women and stop the Republican supermajority from continuing to ignore the will of the people.”
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: GOP Candidates continue to ghost Hoosier voters
Diego Morales
Statehouse Files: Secretary of state candidates Wells and Maurer debate Tuesday while Morales’ chair sits empty
WFYI: Republican Morales declines debates in Indiana Secretary of State race
Jim Banks
Journal Gazette: 3rd District Candidates Criticize Banks, WANE for Debate Cancellation
Rudy Yakym
ABC57: Two candidates for District 2 Congressional seat participating in debate
“The Republican candidate, Rudy Yakym declined the invitation to participate.”
Donna Schailbley, Alex Choi, Jerry Torr, Fred Glynn
Current: Republicans a no-show at League of Women Voters Hamilton County forum