Despite claiming his company is “made in America,” AP revealed Rep. Braun’s company manufactures its own auto parts in China
INDIANAPOLIS – Rep. Braun has plenty of questions to answer today about his company’s Chinese-made auto parts after the Associated Press revealed that Promaxx Automotive, a brand of Rep. Braun’s Meyer Distributing, manufactures aftermarket auto parts for Rep. Braun that are heavily made in China. On the campaign trail, Rep. Braun has “seldom… [mentioned]” Promaxx and claimed that his business has “never involved anything overseas.”
Given that Rep. Braun has consistently lied to Hoosiers about his business’s own Chinese-made auto parts and all but failed to disclose the existence of Promaxx to voters, it’s clear there are pressing questions he needs to address:
- What percentage of Promaxx parts are made in America versus those made in China, and why did the Braun campaign decline to tell the AP?
- How much of Meyer Distributing’s revenue and profit come from Promaxx, and how much of that was from Promaxx parts made in China?
- When exactly did Promaxx start producing auto parts made in China? Was there ever a time that it didn’t make products in China?
- Why has Rep. Braun been telling Hoosiers that his company is “made in America” when it’s clear that much of it is actually made in China?
- Why has Rep. Braun refused to talk about Promaxx on the campaign trail? Was he scared what would happen when Hoosiers found out the truth about his decision to manufacture cheap auto parts in China and not the U.S.?
- Indiana is one of the largest auto manufacturing states in the country, so why did Rep. Braun decide to manufacture his parts in China when they could have easily been made here by Hoosier workers?
- In its pushback, the Braun campaign claimed that “every job Mike Braun creates is an American job.” How can they claim that in response to a report about products for Rep. Braun’s company that are manufactured in China, presumably by Chinese workers?
“Rep. Braun repeatedly and demonstrably lied to Hoosiers for a year about his company and where its parts were made. He could have sourced his own company’s products from anywhere in the world, but he chose China at the expense of Indiana workers just so he could make a little more in profit for himself,” said Michael Feldman, spokesman for the Indiana Democratic Party. “Hoosiers deserve a better senator than someone who would run for office on a business he claims is purely “made in America” while stiffing Hoosier workers in favor of making cheap auto parts in China.”