WISH-TV: “Anchor: Did Hollingsworth move to Indiana just to run for Congress? Reporter: There’s quite a bit of evidence that suggests that.”
INDIANAPOLIS – Last week, Shelli Yoder denounced Tennessee Trey Hollingsworth and his campaign after their claim that Trey “understood Hoosier workers because he employs them.” Yoder was joined by top members of the AFL-CIO, Iron Workers, and other organizations representing working families in criticizing Tennessee Trey’s blatantly tone deaf remarks against Hoosiers.
Shelli Yoder’s events received attention across Indiana’s Ninth District. From Indianapolis to New Albany, Hoosiers are hearing about Tennessee Trey’s attempt to buy his way to Congress with complete disregard for the voters in the district.
WISH-TV: “Tennessee Trey’s remarks disqualify him from being a serious candidate for the 9th district,” said Yoder. “It shows his character as a candidate and it could preview how he’d run this office.”
Yoder also demanded again that Hollingsworth release his tax returns.” […]
“Anchor: Did Hollingsworth move to Indiana just to run for Congress? Reporter: There’s quite a bit of evidence that suggests that.”
New Albany News & Tribune: “’Since when does [being] a millionaire put you on the same playing field as the working class?’ Dean Tharp, member of the Iron Workers Local No. 70, said during a press conference. ‘Trey Hollingsworth was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He doesn’t understand the daily struggles of working people let alone working Hoosiers.’
Yoder believes the statement made by her opponent’s campaign manager shows he is out of touch with Indiana residents.
‘Employing the middle class doesn’t mean you understand our values,’ she said. ‘You’ve shown Hoosiers you will have zero empathy to the hard work and struggles we face every day.’”
Howey Politics: “Just three days after calling out Republican Trey Hollingsworth for not releasing his tax returns in a debate Monday, Democrat Shelli Yoder attacked Hollingsworth for a comment made by his campaign manager in an Indiana Daily Student article. Hollingsworth campaign manager, Rachel Jacobs, commented that Hollingsworth understands blue collar workers because he employs them. Joined by the President of the AFL-CIO Brett Voorhies at the Indiana Democrats Indianapolis headquarters, Yoder challenged that Hollingsworth could not possibly understand the Hoosier middle class.”