INDIANAPOLIS – Mike Pence’s favorability in the state has plummeted further since he joined the most toxic presidential campaign in modern history. In fact, these numbers highlight just how desperate Mike Pence was to leave what would have been a losing re-election.
Enter Eric Holcomb, who has time and again expressed how “quite proud” he is of Mike Pence’s failed record as governor. Holcomb even released a policy plan that’s a virtual clone of the governor’s.
SHOT: “Pence’s net approval rating has dropped 9 percentage points since the first quarter of the year, according to weekly polls of registered voters conducted by Morning Consult from mid-May to mid-September.” – USA Today, 9.20.16
CHASER: “Holcomb ‘quite proud’ to run on Pence’s record” – Associated Press, 8.2.16
LIME: “Eric Holcomb introduces economic agenda that looks much like Mike Pence’s” – IndyStar, 9.20.16