INDIANAPOLIS – Here we go again. Name-calling Todd Young is abiding by the ever popular #YoungsLaw – a term to describe the finger-pointing congressman who is never at fault and always right.
“What does name-calling Todd Young do when there’s a problem? He blames others. He blamed others when he failed to do the minimum required by state law to even be a candidate in the first place. And this time, Young was first to go negative on someone who isn’t an official candidate yet,”said Drew Anderson, communications director. “Simply put, Hoosiers are fed up of the negativity Todd Young and his empty suit brings to this race. They are ready to elect another commonsense Democrat to the U.S. Senate.”
SHOT: Todd Young Campaign releases new ad “Chicago Style” – Todd Young YouTube Page [2.17.16]
“Young campaign manager Trevor Foughty blasted the removal effort as “Chicago-style” politics, because Democratic President Barack Obama once used a petition challenge to clear the field as an Illinois Senate candidate representing Hyde Park.” – NWI Times [3.14.16]
CHASER: Todd Young name calls Former Senator Evan Bayh by falsely calling him a lobbyist
“After he cast the deciding vote for Obamacare, Evan Bayh left Indiana families to fend for themselves so he could cash-in with insurance companies and influence peddlers as a gold-plated lobbyist,”Foughty said in a statement. – IndyStar [7.11.16]