INDIANAPOLIS – A statewide snow event couldn’t keep nearly 200 Hoosier Democrats from attending a joint municipal candidate training on Saturday in Indianapolis. The training, put on in partnership with the National Democratic Training Committee and the Indiana Democratic Party, was an opportunity for prospective candidates to gain the skills and tools needed to run successful campaigns. Indiana Democratic Party Chairman John Zody believed the training was a key step for candidates heading into the 2019 municipal elections.
“A little snow isn’t going to keep Hoosier Democrats away,” said Zody. “It’s about building the bench for 2019 and beyond. After 2016, our Party prioritized a 92-county approach and channeling new energy into action. In 2019, we’re hitting the gas pedal. Our partnership with the NDTC is critical toward providing the tools Hoosier Democrats need to run and win.”
State Representative Chris Chyung (D-Dyer) keynoted the training and shared his path to elected office. In 2018, Chyung attended the same training as a prospective candidate, eventually launching a grassroots campaign for state representative. Chyung won his race by 82 votes and credited opportunities like the boot camp for opening the door for future candidates like himself.
“There are Hoosier Democrats around the state ready to step up and make a difference,” said Chyung. “These trainings are a springboard for people looking to take the next step, I know because I was in their shoes. The formula is simple: be motivated, put the work in and you can win.”
The National Democratic Training Committee offers Democrats across the country access to free in-person and online trainings with the aim of helping Democrats start, run and win campaigns. The NDTC has put an emphasis on supporting local level races and more than 24,000 Democrats have registered for NDTC’s trainings to date.
Note: More information about the National Democratic Training Committee is available at: and sign up for online trainings at: