Holcomb’s plan mirrors past efforts that Bosma claims are “not moving the ball”
INDIANAPOLIS – Even before Governor Eric Holcomb is set to give a critical State of the State speech Tuesday, he’s telegraphed a desire to rely on the same stale workforce development ideas that have left one million Hoosiers without the skills to compete. Statehouse Republicans have taken notice. Key GOP leaders are signaling a cool reception to the governor’s proposals and are pointing to the lack of results generated by similar workforce efforts.
From The Times of Northwest Indiana: Key lawmakers eye longer timeline for Holcomb’s workforce development changes
“Legislative leaders are not entirely on board with Gov. Eric Holcomb’s call to realign Indiana’s education and workforce development programs, during the 2018 General Assembly……
“We’ll nibble around the edges, but a systemic fix is not happening,” said Holdman, chairman of the Senate Committee on Insurance and Financial Institutions.
“There are several proposals on the table that are worthy of discussion,” Bosma said. “But nothing that really radically and systemically revises what we’re doing today — which is spending $1 billion through nine different agencies and 30 different programs, and not moving the ball.”
With Republicans already maneuvering to delay action and slow-walk Holcomb, Indiana Democratic Party Chairman John Zody questioned the governor’s policy chops.
“Holcomb’s proposals on workforce development might have been fresh in 2005,” said Zody. “But they are stale more than a decade later and even Republican allies are doubting the governor’s approach. Meanwhile, Hoosier families are being swamped by the rising cost of living and stagnant wages. They deserve a governor with a vision and a plan. Can they rely on a governor whose plan can’t even find an audience in a Statehouse full of political allies?”