INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Democratic Party Chairman John Zody released the following statement after President Donald Trump concluded his first Congressional address.
“Donald Trump’s first Congressional address was a sobering reminder of just what’s at stake. He took to the lectern and pitched lofty rhetoric with few details on how he will actually help Americans achieve the dreams they deserve. He laid out an agenda engineered to roll back the progress we made under President Obama and showed us that he is doing everything but ‘draining the swamp’. We won’t go back to a time when Wall Street ran wild, when a pre-existing condition meant a lifetime of medical debt or worse, when corporations got a bailout and families struggled to get by. President Trump may still not get it, but his rhetoric matters. This is not a television show with a pre-determined outcome. These are people’s lives. Right now, there are Americans battling cancer who worry about tomorrow and affording their care. There are families piecing low-paying jobs together to keep food on the table. There are college grads drowning in a sea of student debt. They need a President ready and able to meet the challenges we face right now. At minimum, someone who understands and empathizes with their struggle. Trump is not that President. As Indiana Democrats, we will fight at every level for fairness, for the future and working families.”