INDIANAPOLIS – Indiana Democratic Party Senior Media Strategist Will Baskin-Gerwitz issued the following statement today after Congressman Luke Messer announced his entry into the Republican primary for next year’s U.S. Senate seat:
“Whether voting to ship jobs overseas, shut down the government this spring, or raise healthcare premiums for Hoosiers by over $1,000 every year, Congressman Messer has spent his political career siding with D.C. special interests over Indiana families. The only Hoosier he’s focused on is Congressman Rokita, with whom he shares a preference for harmful policies and a love of brutal personal attacks.
“Congressman Messer’s formal entry into the race ends the prologue of what’s shaping up to be the most brutal primary in the nation, but not its bile. With little to separate the two front-runners in their policy positions, the next ten months are shaping up to be a series of debilitating personal attacks that will play out everywhere from TV screens to campaign emails and the halls of congress to Wikipedia pages. Instead of focusing on the issues facing our state, the two leading GOP candidates are focused only on themselves and the special interest donors they’ll need to survive the primary. That’s not the leadership and common sense that voters demand.”