INDIANAPOLIS — In a recent interview, Lieutenant Governor and 2024 Republican gubernatorial candidate Suzanne Crouch says she’s heard from Hoosiers concerns “about losing their freedoms”.
This shouldn’t be a surprise to Lt. Gov. Crouch. As President of the Indiana Senate, she presided over the chamber for the special session to end Hoosiers’ right to an abortion, and even cast the deciding vote in the Senate on an amendment that would’ve required rape and incest victims to have a notarized affidavit saying they were attacked to receive an abortion.
This amendment was removed from the final bill, but it shows that Crouch would go even further in restricting women’s rights as governor, and is open to putting additional restrictions on women who are victims of these horrendous crimes.
Hoosiers know that freedom isn’t free — Crouch didn’t oppose Governor Holcomb signing legislation this past session to restrict the freedoms of out-of-state military and their families, as well as disabled Hoosiers to cast a ballot.
On the freedom to collectively bargain for Hoosier workers, Crouch voted for Indiana’s ‘right to work’ law as a state representative in 2012, and didn’t oppose legislation this year that took away the requirement that administrators meet with teachers’ labor representatives to talk about working and learning conditions.
When it comes to women’s rights, workers’ rights, and voting rights for Hoosier active-duty military members, Suzanne Crouch is only helping take freedoms away from Hoosiers.