INDIANAPOLIS – Hoosiers are turned off by Tennessee Trey Hollingsworth’s attempt to buy Indiana’s Ninth District Congressional Seat. So with the race now tied, Tennessee Trey is running to his dad and his Super PAC for extra help with his carpetbagging approach to campaigning.
But this is the same ploy that left Hoosiers disgusted with Tennessee Trey in the first place. From refusing to release his tax returns or pay his property taxes, to saying he understands Hoosiers because he “employs them,” Tennessee Trey does not represent Hoosier values.
“Leave it up to Tennessee Trey to run to daddy after Hoosiers found out he was trying to buy his way to Congress. But as Tennessee Trey has learned, Hoosiers cannot be bought,” said Drew Anderson, communications director. “Tennessee Trey does not represent Hoosier values, and his carpetbagging campaign is a distraction to hide from the fact that he’s just not honest with Hoosier voters. Tennessee Trey can take his millionaire entitlement somewhere else – because we don’t want him representing us.”