INDIANAPOLIS – Yesterday, Donald Trump told his supporters to vote twice.
From ABC NEWS Trump encourages supporters to vote twice, which is illegal
“In the battleground state of North Carolina Wednesday, Trump suggested to supporters that they should attempt to vote twice — first by mail and then in person.
“They will vote and then they are going to have to check their vote by going to the poll and voting that way…”
In Indiana, knowingly applying for or receiving a ballot in a precinct other than the precinct in which the person is entitled to vote is a Class D felony.
Indiana Democratic Party Chairman John Zody called on Governor Eric Holcomb – Trump’s Indiana Campaign Chairman and top in-state Trump surrogate – to answer whether Indiana Trump supporters should heed the President’s advice and vote twice.
“Does Eric Holcomb agree with the President about voting twice?” said Zody. “If Holcomb believes in the rule of law, he must forcefully and publicly push back against the President. Otherwise, he’s aiding and abetting mass voter fraud.”