INDIANAPOLIS – Marlin Stutzman and Todd Young want to repeal the Affordable Care Act. They want the ACA repealed so desperately that they have voted to repeal it more than 60 times.
But if they succeed, do they know nearly 400,000 Hoosiers who enroll in HIP 2.0 would lose their coverage? Do Stutzman and Young know the ACA fully pays for Governor Mike Pence’s HIP 2.0 program?
“Marlin Stutzman and Todd Young have made repealing the Affordable Care Act a centerpiece of their campaigns. However, along with ending health insurance for close to 1 million Hoosiers, are they aware that by ending the ACA they also end Gov. Mike Pence’s HIP 2.0?” said Drew Anderson, communications director. “The ACA fully pays for HIP 2.0. So while both congressmen remain stubborn with their political agendas, the well-being of many Hoosiers will be placed in jeopardy if they get their wish to repeal the national healthcare law.”